mixture of ammonia, sulfates, potassium


Synthetic urine also comprises a mixture of ammonia, sulfates, potassium, phosphates, emperorbusiness.com chlorides, and others. The elemental mix may vary with different manufacturers, but synthetic urine is specially made to match real human urine pH and specific gravity.

Sterilizing Methods of Synthetic Urine

Biocide is a natural preservative that is used to prevent biological infestation and growth in synthetic urine. It can also be termed as a shelf-life increaser for synthetic expressinfotech.com urine. Synthetic urine is also sterilized through radiation processes to make it bacteria free without adding any additional products.

What is the Source of Synthetic Urine?

Synthetic urine is manufactured majorly. However, another source can be real human urine. This is a dehydrated form of actual human urine.

A Brief History of Synthetic Urine

Although it may seem like a recent discovery, synthetic urines have been around for quite financetechnews.net some time now. The first sample of artificial urea, a key component of synthetic urine, dates back to 1828. Created by Fredrick Wohler, artificial urea was the very first organic compound produced under laboratory conditions.

Vitalism was the most believed phenomena of that era. According to vitalism, the origin of life is dependent on a force that is entirely distinct from any chemical or physical energy.

His discovery put an end to vitalism and changed a school of thought that had resided over two millennia. Since the discovery, synthetic urine has been popular for different purposes. A few uses of synthetic urine will be discussed later in the article.


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